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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Whoa bazinga kapow...

I'm pretty much done for ISP's! WOW! I feel much better, i admit, but this just arises other issues. First to recap on yesterday's missing post (Srry noobs):

interesting events:

-Lost 2 teeth in one day (i know i lose teeth late
-Worked all morning to do homework
-Didn't go to school because i had an hardcore headache (is that possible? should i call it a migraine? whats a migraine anyways?)

Todays interesting events are:

-Presented ISP
-Everyone finished the soup i brought in for our "french potluck" thing and all of them asked for seconds (and most of them thirds)
-I presented ISP

(no that was not a typo. I meant to type it twice for Rhetorical (luv that word) purposes)
(notice I just put brackets in brackets (which is insanely incorrect (and i did it again (and again))))

Whoa epic bracket up there...

The ISP presentation went pretty well for me, not too much difficulty, but it could've been longer... I was hoping to get some feedback but no one was pretty eager, so i just waited for them to clap and then i just sat down. Ah well... I wonder what mark i'll get (post guesses in the comment section)

Otherwise, not much happenned today, i forgot my gym clothes (that guh-im  not ji-ym (cuz thats the right way to pronounce it)) and because there was band, i got really sleepy in the afternoon (and then i ate a chocolate...)

My comments on the potluck! People who made food might want to see this section!
Ok, so how am i going to do this, here is a rough summary of my super exact taste testification:

I found most of the food pretty good tasting, but some...meh... ya know, its like when you go to a friends house and its like ...were having "that" for lunch again...  Some entree's were very good (like my soup (yes i said my soup(and yes this is a triple bracket that doesnt make sense at all))) and some were not so good. The list is here:

Julia: Julia made these wierd egg tart/apple things... They actually had a pretty good visual appearance, and this will all be in the chart below ok? ok... Anyhow/way there actually was a lot of leftovers. The main problem was that when i bit into one. Whoa those suckers were sweet, i was wondering whether the people who made those things used aspartame or sugar (cause everyone knows aspartame is 1000 times more sweet than sugar) ! It was incredibly sweet, and going into the gym for Physed and checking my heart rate per 10 seconds, it was higher by 5... First sugar rush in my life... UGH! (3.897836725784 stars) 

Joanie: Yeah, Joanie went hardcore when making the stuff. She made friggin poutine! what do you think? It definately was gone pretty fast... I thought it at least had some flavor, but i wasn't too sure what that brown sauce was, i couldn't tell... Was is suppossed to be gravy or something? Dunno... Anyways, it had a good taste, but Mme. Croteau had to *achem* FRIGGIN NUKE EM to heat em up. No not a real nuke, but she stuffed them in the microwave for a while, so that was *achem*cough*switchingtobritishaccent* quite the long delay. Golly, what a veray veray longue delay! Anyways... Uhhhhh ... yeah i'll go with a nice solid even number... 3.9897906975786782346836578265264756269 or rounded up = 1 :D


Gilbert. Whoa. Gilbert... Uhhhhhhhh... I guess it was kinda a meat pie? dunno what you call it. I think it tasted not bad... but it kinda didn't taste like anything (sorry gilbert, i totally mean to offend you) and he brought 2. They actually looked pretty good, and while the other guys weren't looking i tried dipping it in my soup which MAKES EVERYTHING TOTALLY TASTE BETTER. It actually had a better taste after that, so i was fine with it though. Still, kinda flavourless... Thanks anyway gilbert. You made my life miserable (no i'm joking it wasn't bad) 4 stars! WOOHOO!

Yanni: Extremely brief summary.

-*achem* Yanni failed to achieve the provincial standards for a potluck and the amount of good tasting food to bring. He brought 2 hunks of cheese that tasted like my socks dipped in my spit (not that i would taste that, smell is good enough, and i only smelled my socks) and no one ate any. Totally offensive yanni so now were gonna shun you. (high pitch girly voice) Ready? Okaiy! Re-jec-ted Reurejected! Ah. Ok back to being manly. It was................................................. Ugh wheres your empathy bruce?

1 star. Make that negative 1 star.

Hmmmmmm.... I'm sad to say i don't remember any other distinct meals that appealed to me, so i;m gonna make the chart now. 

Julia: points 3.897836725784
Joanie: points 1 rounded UP
Me: 200 bazillion million Gazhillion billion
Gilbert/gilly/gibbyboo: 4 stars!

Okaiy so i like totally won riagh? So...............

Thanks for reading that insanely long and useless excerpt!
Happy _______(put whatever holiday is coming up here)__________ everyone!

(i think it's easter)

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